How do we work

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Data collection and wrangling

We collect, process, clean, integrate, and organize raw data into a unified dataset, enabling us to commence rigorous and dependable analyses.

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Model creation and analysis using mathematical algorithms

At this stage, we transition to the engine of our bespoke solution. Vast amounts of data start speaking and providing insights to interpret, bringing us closer to the final answer with high-quality machine learning and artificial intelligence models.

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Data delivery and forecasting, visualization, and reporting

We’ve reached the endpoint. Everything translates into comprehensive, intuitive, and interactive dashboards, along with automated insights. We ensure that the flow of information is swift, relevant, and practical for strategic and decision-making purposes.



Our optimization algorithms enhance revenue growth or facilitate cost savings by identifying the optimal mix of parameters for the efficient management of each activity.


By leveraging our predictive models on your data, we accurately forecast process trends, ensuring you consistently maintain a competitive edge.


Our management control systems enable you to steer your organization towards its set goals through the monitoring and measurement of objective data.


Our business intelligence solutions illuminate your company’s decision-making path, transforming complex data into clear and strategic actions.

Some applications:


Quantitative Marketing


Process automation

For mass market

Logistics, transport & traffic

For every company that collects data


Financial Forecasting


Predicting Performance

For mass market

Algo Trading

For every company that collects data


Organizational Insights


Client portfolio

For mass market

Data analytics

For every company that collects data

Management control

Financial Planning


Market Risk Analytics

For mass market

Credit & Payment Risk

For every company that collects data

Success stories.

Our products are successfully used every day by companies of all sizes.


Tailor-made answers and solutions

Can't find the right solution for you?Want to know if we can help you solve your problem?


How much time do we need?

Our proprietary platform enables us to deliver quickly executable and easily configurable solutions, both operationally and technologically, and to offer flexible and fully customized pricing. Each project typically takes between 4 to 8 weeks from kick-off to go-live.

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Project Definition

First, we thoroughly investigate the problem to understand and define the starting situation and predict one or more solutions that can be effectively implemented.

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Analysis of available data

At this stage, we identify the available data and then integrate the tools and functionalities needed for their acquisition.

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Engine Construction

Here come the algorithms into play: with them, we solve the problem and automate all processes and computations.

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UI/UX Creation

We can now proceed to develop a user interface that is straightforward, user-friendly, and tailored to meet the organization’s analysis and reporting requirements.

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Testing Phase Initiation

And so it begins. The project is concluded with thorough testing, allowing each user to assess the range of functionalities. Rest assured, our support is always here for you.


We use R to build our solutions because it’s the language of data science and allows for rapid development times. However, we also harness the power of compiled languages like Rust when exceptional performance is required.

We primarily deploy our applications on a Linux server, with a PostgreSQL database, using Amazon Web Services cloud solutions. This ensures they are secure and reliable. Everything is hyper at 100%.
We develop our solutions in-house: from raw data management to the computation engine, all the way to building beautiful UIs.

Did we mention that we love things organized? That’s why we use GitHub and Slack to manage the workflow of our solutions and keep the team connected.